Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Brutus the main character

Brutus is the main character of the story. The reason so is that he is always in every play, he killes his bestfriend. He want ti be king instead of Antony because he thinks that he wouldnt be a good king to the people. He betrades his bestfriend because he thinks that Caesar wouldnt have been a good king. He thinks that he would have to much power for one man, and would over rule everyone. But Caesar was just trying to help and i also thought he would do good. Brutus,s wife died she tried to kill herself she sallowed hot coal from the fire and died. Brutus, i dont think he really cared for anything but himself. After, he killed his bestfriend he felt bad and knew he betraded his friend over being crowned. He now is alone and haunted my Caesar now at night when he is sitting at the table.

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